Looking to collaborate with more like minded purpose-driven women?

Check out our amazing members below!

Want to be a part of this incredible community of women who are living out their purpose & potential while making an impact in the world? 


Rae  Ebue
Rae Ebue
Creative & Dance Enthusiast
Email Phone Instagram

Jordyn Heyn
Jordyn Heyn
Whole Body Wellness Advocate
Phone: Phoenix AZ
Email Phone Instagram

Hannah Maher
Hannah Maher
Email Phone Instagram

Raiza  Sánchez Cruz
Raiza Sánchez Cruz
Community Builder
Email Phone Instagram

Renee Smiles
Renee Smiles
Worthiness Advocate
Phone: Tampa, FL
Email Phone Instagram

Jenna Vanderhaar
Jenna Vanderhaar
Encourager in Healing from within
Email Phone Instagram

Jessica Dahl
Jessica Dahl
Women on Mission Founder
Email Phone Facebook Instagram


Support our non-profit, Wholeness Journey, as we bring healing, identity, wholeness & purpose to women, children & families who have been affected by trauma, human trafficking, refugees and ultra impoverished locally & globally.



